Sunday, January 16, 2011

You Know Who You Are.

Facebook, oh how we love thee! I figured something that keeps coming up as much as this does then it deserves a few minutes on here. There is something out there about people who share and who do it so much you wonder what they could possibly be keeping for themselves! From photos of furniture they are trying to decide to buy, when/what/where and with who they had lunch, to when they pooped is just the beginning. You have those who have to keep letting you know how awful their entire life is, the play by play of their mood through out the day and how they hope tomorrow is going to be a better day. When they are on the bus, when they re driving to work, and just how terrible their job is once they are there. I am amazed they don't crash and keep their jobs all at the same time.
Now, sometimes we all vent. Sometimes we go to an amazing place to eat and yes, we all get frustrated with work , the homeless, and teenagers on the bus. I am not talking about the once or twice people. I am talking about the constant ones. We all have that person who has to constantly do it. And they are the first ones who ask you if you have seen their post. the minute you see them. Or they text you to ask if you have checked out their posts. Then they email you to see if you got the text about their facebook. The really dedicated ones will then messenger you and call after the other three steps didn't get your attention. And beware any criticism! You say knock it off or quit bothering me and suddenly you are the asshole friend who doesn't love them. Leave a comment and they get hurt and all their other needy cry baby friends attack you online while proving what goods friends they are by supporting their sad, angry, or boring posts.
Another favorite of mine is the add space, I mean spam, wait i mean promoting people do with their status updates. While I am glad you love work so much and want us to know you are there, I don't need to know you have deals, sales, specials or free time in your schedule for any appointments. Everyone has that friend who in person always hands their card to you and is always saying come see me. Well, if you are on facebook and it is your personal page then why would you think that was any different? You are filling my page up with your useless crap and also it is annoying having friends hit me up for business. If you are using facebook to market great! Then create a separate professional page so your friends can still see you but say no to your spam if they want. Trust me, your other friends feel this way they just wont say anything. No worries, I will.
Now my solution is warning, then if it continues I cut you off my friends list. I figure if we are really friends I don't have to have a online connection to you. You can hide them but I figure why bother? Besides it is a form of punishment because my facebook is super funny and nobody wants to miss that! This is the first blog about this I am sure there will be more to say on facebook manners soon.

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